About Us
Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church is a Gospel-centered church, committed to proclaiming Jesus Christ to our community. We hope you will get to know our family through this site and we look forward to seeing you in person very soon!
The Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church started with families gathered together in the Name of Jesus Christ to fellowship, grow and minister to the needs of the community. Although, methods have changed, our mission and purpose remain the same. We are still a family church and you are welcome to join us as we grow and learn together.
Please join us for our worship service this Sunday starting at 11:00 a.m. We would love to meet you and hear about your story!
Affiliated Ministries
Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church (Glendale) is a member of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA), a fellowship of churches in the United States, Canada and Brazil.
We are a partner in missions with the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA). AMAA maintains a range of educational, evangelistic, relief, social service, church and child care ministries in 24 countries around the world.
We are also associated with the Pacific Church Network (formerly Conservative Baptist Association of Southern California).