Ինչո՞ւ Շողակաթ

Հայոց լեզուի բացատրական բառարանին մէջ «շողակաթ» բառին բացատրութիւնը տրուած է հետեւեալ ձեւով. շող կաթիլը, երկինքէն լոյս իջնալը այն տեղին վրայ, ուր պիտի կառուցուէր Էջմիածինի տաճարը՝ ըստ Գրիգոր Լուսաւորիչի տեսիլքին: Ուրեմն շողն էր, որ պիտի կաթէր, եւ այդ շողէն պիտի ճառագէր աշխարհի առաջին քրիստոնեայ ժողովուրդին հաւատքի տաճարը՝ Սուրբ Էջմիածինը: Հիմնելով Հայ Աւետարանական Եղբայրներու եկեղեցիի

Շողակաթ շաբաթօրեայ դպրոցը, մեր մանուկներուն մէջ հայ ինքնութիւնը գիտակցելու հունտերը պիտի սերմանենք՝ ըլլայ հայոց լեզուին տիրապետելով, հայ երաժշտութեան ուսուցմամբ, ասմունքով, հայկական բարքերու եւ սովորոյթներու ծանօթացումով: Մեր լեզուի արեւելահայերէն եւ արեւմտահայերէն ճիւղերը հաւասարապէս պիտի գործածուին դպրոցէն ներս:

The mission of Shoghagat Armenian Saturday School is to provide Armenian Studies within a safe, friendly environment conducive to learning. Saturday lessons include reading, writing, speaking, understanding the Armenian language as well as Armenian history, music and songs.

“They have the best teachers who teach students prayers, songs, poems and Armenian alphabet with very interesting stories.”

Meet our Teachers

Karine Derkevorkian

Karine Derkevorkian

Eastern Armenian & Music Instructor

“Music of Armenia has deep ties with its sister arts – together they shape our life and identity.”

Karine Derkevorkian graduated with honors from both the Sarajev Music School and the Romanos Melikian Governal Music College in Yerevan. Her instructors included Professor Igor Yavryan, who continued the traditions of the Russian school of the people’s artist Lev Vlasenko on the Armenian soil. She holds a recent AA Degree in Social Science from Glendale Community College.

An avid journalist, Karine Derkevorkian has authored countless articles in Armenian publications across the Middle East, Armenia, and the United States (including a series of articles devoted to musical review).

Karine Derkevorkian is a 25-year (1978-2003) veteran faculty member of the Arab Music Conservatory’s piano department in Aleppo, Syria. For serving as an Armenian musician in Syria, her name is mentioned in the Armenian Brief Encyclopedia (2003, Yerevan). She has been a faculty member at Lark Conservatory since 2004, teaching piano performance, along with writing and translating numerous articles for the Conservatory on a yearly basis.

Sevan Derbedrossian

Sevan Derbedrossian

Western Armenian Instructor

"Teaching Armenian to our children is a mission. I consider it a duty to serve my Armenian Society, and contribute in preparing future Armenian generations."

Certificatre to Teach Armenian in the Diaspora, INALCO, France
BA in Faculty of Arts and Department of English Literature, University of Damascus
Computer Office Administration, Mashdots College
Language to Live in - Teacher Training Course

I was born in Damascus, Syria and grew up there in a small but very ancient Armenian community. I attended “St. Tarkmanchats” Armenian School. After high school, I graduated from the University of Damascus with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature. I moved to the United States in 1999. After settling in LA, I went to Los Angeles Community College, where I took a few child development classes, and Mashdots College, where I earned a certificate in Computerized Office and Accounting. I have worked in many places in Syria and the United States, and I have taught and worked as an administrator in my own school in Syria. I also worked at St. Gregory Armenian Church before I joined the lovely faculty of A.G.B.U. MDS.

I can proudly say that my passion for all things Armenian is so great, that I spend most of my time serving our community.

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Saturday Schedule

  • 10:00 a.m. - Prayer and National Anthem

  • 10:15 a.m. - Theme of the Day

  • 10:25 a.m. - Armenian Classes Start

  • 11:10 a.m. - Nutrition Break

  • 11:30 a.m. - Singing Practice

  • 12:00 p.m. - Armenian Classes Resume

  • 12:30 p.m. - Educational Activity

  • 12:50 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Dismissal

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Armenian Alphabet Eastern

Hayeren Yerkenk

Ayp Pen Kim

Shoghagat News

Questions? Call Us!

(818) 254-9237

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Glendale California, Armenian Saturday School Glendale California, Armenian Western School for Kids, Armenian Eastern School for kids, Armenian writing class, Armenian alphabet for kids Armenian Saturday program Armenian Saturday School Los Angeles, La Crescenta, Glendale Armenian Հայերէն Shoghagat Armenian School Shoghagat Saturday School Learning to speak and write Armenian, Armenian class for kids, Saturday Armenian program for kids.