Commemorating Jesus’ Last Supper


But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.
 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.

-Isaiah 53:5-6

We commemorated the Lord’s Supper on March 24, 2016 during a special Maundy Thursday Service.

The Sanctuary was darkened for this service while solemn music played. The stage was adorned with candlelight and the communion table was set in the middle.

The service opened with the Scripture reading from the Gospel of John chapter 15 while scenes of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane were displayed on the stage screens. The service included congregational hymns appropriate for the occasion interspersed with scripture reading from the Gospels, the New Testament and the book of Isaiah by church members.

After each scripture was read, each reader extinguished a candle on the stage. Pastor Shanlian gave the message for the evening, reflecting on the events of the Last Supper and subsequent arrest and trial of Christ. The deacons distributed small penny nails in plastic bags during the sermon. Pastor Shanlian instructed everyone to (carefully) apply some pressure to their hand where the nails pierced the hands of Jesus. Afterwards he invited each person to give their nail to another person in the church who has helped them in their spiritual journey by bearing their pain and being Christlike.

After the communion service, Pastor Shanlian extinguished the middle pillar candle, signifying the death of Christ and closed the large altar Bible signifying the closed tomb.

The congregation exited in quiet and later joined each other in the social hall for a light dinner.


The “Arpi Krikorian” Collection Now at the AEBC Gift Shop!


The Church Gift Shop is proud to carry many popular items featuring the work of artist Arpi Krikorian. Through this unique line, Arpi shares her own vision of the beauty of Armenian traditions-including communal and family celebrations, intricate dances, and the elaborate details of authentic Armenian costuming.

From mugs tote bags your gift giving options just got better! Visit us this Sunday after the service!

Lear More about the artist.

Palm Sunday Devotional

Honor Someone Special This Easter!


Fill our church with Easter Lilies this Resurrection Sunday by sponsoring one or more Easter Lilies!

All names will be printed in the Sunday Bulletin on March 27, 2016.

Each lily sponsorship is $20.00 any net proceeds to benefit the Children’s Church Ministry

Please use the insert in the Sunday bulletins or Submit the online form and payment options here.

Note: You must submit the form first and then make online payment through the link below. Submit a new complete form for additional lilies.

Thank you!

Easter Lily Donation

0 + 4 = ?

Անցաւորն Ու Մնայունը


by Rev. Dikran Shanlian

Կեանքի յարափոփոխ վիճակներուն մէջ, յաճախ մենք ալ կը մղուինք  անորոշութեան ու մութին մէջ խարխաբելով բոլորելու մեր երկրաւոր կեանքի օրերը:  Հոգեւոր, նեղութիւններ, վիշտեր ու ցաւեր կու գան ու կ’երթան: Ժամանակի ընթացքին խորունկ ցաւեր կը մեղմանան եւ մոռացութեան  կը մատնուին: Վէրքեր անշուշտ կը սպիանան եւ անպայման աչքերէ հոսող արցունքները կը ցամքին: Ասուպի նման կը սահին եւ կը սուրան մեր տարիներուն օրերը՝ որոնց փառքը աշխատանք ու ցաւ է:

Այս բոլոր փոխուող եւ փոփոխական վիճակներուն մէջ կան ու կը մնան անտեսանելի եւ անշօշափելի ճշմարտութիւններ, որոնք աւելի իրական ու տեւական են:

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One Starry Night

AEBC hosted One Starry Night once again this Christmas season on December 26th. The Christmas Event featured a walk-through experience of Bethlehem. Families exchanged their “currency” at the City Gate for Roman denari and then explored various stations at the Bethlehem Marketplace with the Nativity story in the Stable. Upon exiting, guests were able to visit with the Magi at the Stargazer Camp.

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Remembering Yegisabet Ekimyan

Our dear sister in Christ, Yegisabet Ekimyan, was called to her Heavenly Home on Wednesday evening, December 16, 2015.

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Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church of Glendale Celebrates 90 Years

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 ESV

On October 24, church members, friends, family and guests gathered at Pearl Banquet Hall to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church (AEBC). The Church, founded in 1925 in Los Angeles, CA moved to Glendale, CA in 2007. The night of celebration began with a red carpet experience and included photos for all guests.

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Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church of Glendale Unveils Armenian Genocide Centennial Stone of Remembrance KHACHKAR

On April 18 the Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church (AEBC) of Glendale, CA held an outdoor ceremony for the unveiling and dedication of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Khachkar. The one and a half hour service featured live music by the “Armenia” String Quartet, conducted by Armen Mangasaryan.

Many members, friends and guests of the Church attended this highly anticipated service. Rev. Hendrik Shanazarian and Rev. Ariel Babikian offered invocations. A moving solo of “Der Voghormya” by Mariam Sireganyan followed. Glendale Mayor Zareh Sinanyan, AMAA West Coast Executive Director Levon Filian, Executive Director of Pacific Church Network Rev. Jim Smith, Glendale City Clerk Ardy Kassakhian and former Minister to the AEUNA Rev. Joseph Matossian delivered words of greeting and encouragement.

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